Online Advertising

PLR Traffic Tactic #1 - PLR Viral Report Traffic

Viral eBooks are eBooks that are specifically intended to be distributed by anyone who obtains a copy of them. You want every person who downloads a copy to pass it on to their contacts, who in turn you'd like to pass it on to their contacts and on down the line.

These eBooks generate website traffic which turns into profits, and they build lists which turns into profits and they brand your name which turns into profits, and they grow your business which turns into profits...and it can all be done automatically without any continued work on your part once you release them!

Viral eBooks are awesome. They definitely work, and work huge.

It's easy to turn a high-quality PLR report (or you can compile a few together) into something worth passing along. All you have to do is modify the content slightly, change the title to something attention-grabbing and write a controversial introduction and conclusion. If you want your PLR viral ebook to go viral you need to spin it into something exciting and/or controversial and/or highly useful.

For example, let's suppose you have PLR content based on feeding a natural diet to dogs. It's kind of a bland topic, right? To spice it up, all you would have to do is base the report on the controversial premise that those feeding commercial foods to their dogs are risking the dog's health. A good title would ratchet up the controversy, such as, "Here's How You're Poisoning Your Puppy."

That's just an example, but you can do the same thing in any niche with the PLR content that's currently sitting on your hard drive.

The REAL Secret to Going Viral

Let's suppose you have a highly controversial, entertaining or useful report. Will people pass it along? Maybe.

Now let's suppose you give people the option to insert their own links into the report ...will they pass it along? You bet they will! That's because the more they pass it along, the better chance they have of earning a passive backend income. It's an excellent incentive to encourage readers to get your viral firestorm raging!

Of course you benefit too, because all the links in the report are pointing to your products and/or to two-tier affiliate programs. Either way, when someone rebrands your report and passes it along, you're pulling in a steady stream of traffic and backend income quickly and easily!

Now maybe you're thinking all of this sounds like a lot of work. It's not. All you have to do is spend a few minutes setting up your report using or a similar rebrander. Then each prospect and affiliate who downloads your report uses this tool to rebrand the report with their own links.

To kick things off, post the report on your blog, send it to your newsletter subscribers, post in on (affiliate) forums, and - most importantly - send it to your list of affiliates. Your affiliates are most likely already understand how a viral, rebrandable report can make both of you a lot of money, so you'll have no trouble convincing them to rebrand it and send it to their lists!